ID: 464
Ressource_Provider: Jérôme Bourgon
Title: Heads brought to magistrate
DocumentNature: Photolithograph
Repository: Tôbunken
Color: Black and white
Topic: Judiciary
Description: Detail of the second plate in Xinglü tushuo, devoted to "decapitation with head exposure" (see under rubric "decapitation"), showing a zealous executioner bringing the freshly cut head to the suppervising magistrate. This gruesome event is depicted with remarkably neutral means (no blood, or expression of awe, etc.)
XU Wenda 徐文達; HUANG Renji 黃仁濟 (rep.) (Daqing) xinglü tushuo 大清刑律圖說 Commented plates on penal laws
Derniére modification le : 2006-03-20 |