ID: 85
Ressource_Provider: Jérôme Bourgon
Title: (Da Qing) Xinglü tu (fu) 大清刑律圖附
DocumentNature: Engraving
Topic: Bamboo beating 笞杖
Description: This is one of the very rare collection of pictures on punishments made by Chinese for the Chinese public. The same charts appear in a similar title, the Xinglü tushuo (see below).
Particulars: In the Xinglü tushuo, the same charts are folded to face the list of the crimes punished by each of the punishements represented (from lingchi to bamboo beating, in decreasing order), so that only one half of the chart can be seen at a time. In the Xinglû tu presented here, the layout allow complete charts, but the list of the crimes have not been included — hence the title change from "tushuo" (chart with comment), to "tu" (chart).
ANONYM Xinglü tu fu 刑律圖附 Charts of penal laws in appendix to the Shengyu guangxun zhijie 聖諭廣訓直解 (Amplified instructions of the Sacred edict with rightful comments)
XU Wenda 徐文達; HUANG Renji 黃仁濟 (rep.) (Daqing) xinglü tushuo 大清刑律圖說 Commented plates on penal laws
Derniére modification le : 2005-11-09 |